Three Tips For Protecting Your Home Against Water Damage

Water damage can be a devastating problem for your house to encounter. Unfortunately, this can be a problem that many new homeowners may not fully understand. To help ensure that you keep your home safe from this potentially severe source of damage, you should make sure to consider these following few tips.

Review Your Insurance Policy

The costs of repairing water damage can be extraordinarily high. While insurance can be an excellent way of protecting yourself from having to pay these expenses, you should be aware that water damage can be a tricky type of claim for you to file. This stems from the fact that insurers will typically treat different sources of water damage in different ways. Damage stemming from flooding will typically only be covered if you have an active flood insurance policy on the home. In contrast, water damage from ruptured pipes or other sudden plumbing problems will typically be covered under these plans. Due to these discrepancies, you should speak with your insurance agent to determine exactly what sources of water damage your home is covered against so that you will know if you need to purchase additional coverage.

Invest In Basement Pumps

The basement can be one of the areas of the home that is most prone to suffering water damage due to it being the lowest point of the home. This damage can occur due to poor soil drainage or excess rains. Luckily, you can help you to prevent this damage from occurring by installing a sump pump. These pumping systems use a trench or reservoir to collect excess water. When the pump detects that water is present in the reservoir, it will activate to pump the water out before it can cause serious damage to your basement.

Install Leak Detection Systems

Leaks from the plumbing can be another common source of water damage, but this problem can be especially difficult to notice because your plumbing may be hidden behind walls or floorboards. As a result, you may not notice this issue until your house has already sustained extensive water damage. Fortunately, you can help to mitigate this threat by installing leak detection sensors. These devices will activate when a sudden increase in moisture is detected. In addition to alerting you to this problem, these sensors will also make it easier for the plumber to locate the source of the damage, which can help to minimize any disruptions and costs involved with repairing the leak. 

For home insurance, contact a company such as Rudolph W. Strickland
