Insurance Keeps Your Business Profitable

Four Things That Home Insurance Will Not Cover

As a homeowner, having home insurance is a must. Without insurance, any damage done to your home will need to be paid for out of your pocket. You never know when damages can happen and how extensive they may be. It's important that you purchase insurance that will cover you for enough of what you need in case of total reconstruction of your home. However, basic home insurance won't be able to cover these four things: Read More 

Lower Your Insurance Costs For Your Teen Driver

You are legitimately proud of your newly-licensed teen driver, but along with the relief at no longer being a chauffeur there may come a shock when you view your new automobile insurance premium. Teen drivers are costly to insure, so read on for ways to lower your insurance costs when adding a teen to your policy. The right car and the right driver. The choice of vehicle that your teen drives makes a great deal of difference in your insurance rates. Read More 

Tips On Avoiding Common Disputes With Auto Insurers

In an ideal world, you would pay your auto insurance premiums promptly, and your carrier would settle your claims as soon as you submit them. Unfortunately, things do not always go as smooth as that; disagreements arise and pit insurers against their clients. Here are three examples of common disagreements, and how to prevent them: Car Valuations After a collision, your insurer will be interested in your car's value just before and after the crash. Read More 

3 Reasons You Should Always Carry Life Insurance

Having a life insurance policy is vital to your emergency preparedness. Many people think that if they have good savings or retirement, there is no need for a life insurance plan. Although there may be situations where a life insurance plan is unnecessary, generally speaking, you should always carry life insurance. Here are a couple reasons why you should still have life insurance even if you have retirement or savings. Read More 

Getting The Best Rate When Your Teen Starts Driving

If you have a teenager who had just passed their driver's exam, they will most likely be asking you for the keys to your vehicle or they might start saving for one of their own. Regardless of how they obtain wheels, they will need car insurance. Here are a few tips you can use to make sure you are getting the best deal on a car insurance policy for your teen driver. Read More