
Wintertime Mistakes That Could Result In A Home Insurance Claim

The arrival of fall means that winter is just around the corner, and this means that your home could soon be facing some potential risks that could result in damage and the need to file an insurance claim. You don't want damage to your home and the need to pay your deductible to get in the way of an enjoyable winter with your family, so it's useful to identify the wintertime mistakes that could increase the risk of making a claim. Read More 

Having A Party At Home? Keep Your Chances Of A Homeowner’s Insurance Claim Low With These Tips

In a lot of ways, having a big party right at your own house is much better than renting a space. For example, at home you don't have to worry so much if a guest spills a drink or if the party runs a little longer than it should. However, having a party for a bunch of adults at home also brings about a major concern where liability is concerned as a homeowner. Read More 

Understanding The Basics Of SR-22 Insurance

As a driver who's lost your license for a significant violation, you may be instructed to secure an SR-22 before you can get your driving privileges back. If so, it's important that you understand what this document is and what it means for you. Here's a look at some of the most common questions you might have and the answers you should know. Isn't An SR-22 Just Car Insurance? No. An SR-22 isn't an insurance policy at all. Read More 

Everything You Need To Know About Antique Car Insurance

With so many different types of insurance to choose from, it can be difficult to make sure you are getting the right one. Antique car insurance, for example, may be a type of auto insurance you have never heard of the. The question is – who really needs this kind of policy? In order to answer this question, it can help to learn more about what this type of insurance is. Read More 

Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage Extends Outside The Home

Having homeowner's insurance in place is one of the best ways to protect yourself, and there's good news: The coverage extends outside your home. That means that if you find yourself faced with situations like theft, injury, or damage, you could find most of those costs covered by your homeowner's policy if no other insurance will cover them first. The key to figuring out what is covered outside the home is whether or not the items affected were personal, either personal belongings that were damaged or stolen, or items that were damaged by you. Read More